C# 程序设计 作业和实验 例题 随机数、排序 生成20个不同的随机数,要求利用一维数组来求解问题。利用Random类可生成随机数,每个数在10(含)和100(不含)之间。在生成每个数值时,检查一下是否和之前已存的数一样,如果相同则舍去,不同则存入数组。对这20个各不相同的数排序(使用Array.Sort()方法),最后输出。 提示: Random random = new Random();//创建随机数对象,要在循环内部建该对象 int n = random.Next(10, 100);//在循环内部使用random对象,生成10到100(不含)间的值 将程序复制到下方,并将你的运行结果截图放在程序后面。
Random random = new Random(); int count = 0 ;int [] values = new int [20 ];while (count < 20 ) { int n = random.Next(10 , 100 ); bool contains = values.Contains(n); if (!contains) { values[count] = n; count++; } int index = Array.IndexOf(values, n); if (index < 0 ) { values[count] = n; count++; } } Array.Sort(values); for (int i = 0 ; i < values.Length; i++) { Console.Write($"{values[i]} \t" ); if (i == 9 ) Console.WriteLine(); }
字符串 西绪福斯黑洞也就是所谓的123数字黑洞。数学中的123就跟英语中的ABC一样平凡和简单。然而,按以下运算顺序,就可以观察到这个最简单的数字黑洞的值: 例如:1234567890,进行以下统计: 偶:数出该数数字中的偶数个数,在本例中为2,4,6,8,0,总共有 5 个。 奇:数出该数数字中的奇数个数,在本例中为1,3,5,7,9,总共有 5 个。 总:数出该数数字的总个数,本例中为 10 个。 新数:将答案按 “偶-奇-总” 的位序,排出得到新数为:5510。 重复上述过程:将新数5510按以上算法重复运算,可得到新数:134。重复:将新数134按以上算法重复运算,可得到新数:123。结论:对数1234567890,按上述算法,最后得出123的结果。 请编写程序,测试:对任意一个数,按上述步骤经有限次重复后都会是123。换言之,任何数的最终结果都无法逃逸123黑洞。 将程序复制到下方,并将你的运行结果截图放在程序后面。
string str = Console.ReadLine();while (true ) { int even = 0 ; int odd = 0 ; int sum = str.Length; foreach (char ch in str) { if ((ch - '0' ) % 2 == 0 ) even++; else odd++; } str = $"{even} {odd} {sum} " ; Console.WriteLine(str); if (Convert.ToInt32(str) == 123 ) break ; }
将 1, 2, …, 9共 9 个数字分成 3 组,分别组成 3 个三位数,且使这 3 个三位数构成1:2:3 的比例,试求出所有满足条件的 3 个三位数。可能要用到字符串的一些方法:IndexOf查询某个字符或子串的位置,找不到返回-1;Contains查询是否包含某个字符或子串;其它方法请查询帮助文件。
static void Main (string [] args ) { for (int a = 101 ; a < 333 ; a++) { string str = a.ToString(); if (str.IndexOf('0' ) > 0 ) continue ; int b = 2 * a; int c = 3 * a; string allchs = $"{a} {b} {c} " ; if (allchs.IndexOf('0' ) > 0 ) continue ; char [] chars = allchs.ToCharArray(); Array.Sort(chars); allchs = new string (chars); if (allchs == "123456789" ) Console.WriteLine($"{a} \t{b} \t{c} " ); if (allchs.Contains('1' ) && allchs.Contains('2' ) && allchs.Contains('3' ) && allchs.Contains('4' ) && allchs.Contains('5' ) && allchs.Contains('6' ) && allchs.Contains('7' ) && allchs.Contains('8' ) && allchs.Contains('9' )) Console.WriteLine($"{a} \t{b} \t{c} " ); } } static bool check (string s ) { bool [] arr = new bool [10 ]; arr[0 ] = true ; for (int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) { if (arr[s[i] - '0' ]) return false ; arr[s[i] - '0' ] = true ; } return true ; }
bool TryParse(string s, out int real, out int image)
提示:可使用double.TryParse(string s, out double value)方法;可使用string的IndexOf(char c)来搜索某个字符在字符串中的位置;可使用string的SubString(int start, int length)来提取子串。
bool ok = TryParse("2+3i" , out double real, out double image);Debug.Assert(ok); Debug.Assert(real == 2 ); Debug.Assert(real == 3 );
(有兴趣的同学可对-2-3i, -3i等复数值进行解析。完整的解析比较复杂,不要求完全解析)。
class Program { static void Main (string [] args ) { double real, image; bool ok = TryParse("2" , out real, out image); Console.WriteLine($"{ok} - {real} : {image} " ); ok = TryParse("-2" , out real, out image); Console.WriteLine($"{ok} - {real} : {image} " ); ok = TryParse("3i" , out real, out image); Console.WriteLine($"{ok} - {real} : {image} " ); ok = TryParse("-3i" , out real, out image); Console.WriteLine($"{ok} - {real} : {image} " ); ok = TryParse("2+3i" , out real, out image); Console.WriteLine($"{ok} - {real} : {image} " ); ok = TryParse("2-3i" , out real, out image); Console.WriteLine($"{ok} - {real} : {image} " ); } public static bool TryParse (string s, out double real, out double image ) { real = 0 ; image = 0 ; if (s == null ) return false ; s.Trim(); bool negativeImage = false ; s = s.ToUpper(); int pos = s.IndexOf('+' ); if (pos < 0 ) { pos = s.IndexOf('-' ); if (pos >= 0 ) negativeImage = true ; } int iPos = s.IndexOf('I' ); if (iPos < 0 ) { if (pos > 0 ) return false ; else return double .TryParse(s, out real); } else { if (pos > 0 ) { string s1 = s.Substring(0 , pos); if (!double .TryParse(s1, out real)) return false ; } string s2 = null ; if (pos < 0 ) { s2 = s.Substring(0 , iPos - pos - 1 ); return double .TryParse(s2, out image); } else { s2 = s.Substring(pos + 1 , iPos - pos - 1 ); if (!double .TryParse(s2, out image)) return false ; image = negativeImage ? -image : image; return true ; } } } }
委托 已有程序框架如下,其中有部分代码缺失,以[—a—]的形式标注。 根据注释中的要求填上与注释相匹配的代码(可以提交全部代码,也可只提交缺失部分代码。要在注释标出abcdef)。
public delegate bool NumberPredicate (int number ) ;class Delegates { static void Main (string [] args ) { Random rd = new Random(); int [] numbers = new int [15 ]; for (int i = 0 ; i < numbers.Length; i++) numbers[i] = rd.Next(1 , 100 ); Console.WriteLine("原始数组:" ); Array.ForEach(numbers, x => Console.Write($"{x} " )); NumberPredicate evenPredicate = IsEven; Console.WriteLine("利用委托变量evenPredicate判断15是否偶数: {0}" , evenPredicate(15 )); int [] evenNumbers = FilterArray(numbers, evenPredicate); DisplayList("numbers数组中的偶数有 : " , evenNumbers); int [] primeNumbers = FilterArray(numbers, IsPrime); DisplayList("numbers数组中的素数有 : " , primeNumbers); NumberPredicate fiveTimes = x => (x % 5 ) == 0 ; int [] fiveNumbers = FilterArray(numbers, fiveTimes); DisplayList("numbers数组中的5的倍数有 : " , fiveNumbers); } private static int [] FilterArray (int [] intArray, NumberPredicate predicate ) { int size = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < intArray.Length; i++) { if (predicate(intArray[i])) size++; } int [] results = new int [size]; int index = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < intArray.Length; i++) { if (predicate(intArray[i])) results[index++] = intArray[i]; } return results; } private static bool IsEven (int number ) { return (number % 2 == 0 ); } private static bool IsPrime (int number ) { if (number <= 1 ) return false ; for (int i = 2 ; i <= (int )(Math.Sqrt(number)); i++) { if (number % i == 0 ) return false ; } return true ; } private static void DisplayList (string description, int [] list ) { Console.WriteLine(description); foreach (int i in list) { Console.Write($"{i} \t" ); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
类 创建一个Vector类,既可表示一个三维向量,也可表示三维空间的点。它具有以下成员: (1)double类型属性X, Y, Z,代表向量三个维度上的分量; (2)double类型常量epsilon,值为0.00001; (3)静态Vector字段zero,代表原点; (4)无参、两参和三参构造函数。无参、两参构造函数调用三参构造函数。未提供的分量赋值为0; (5)double类型只读属性Magnitude,可读取向量的模,即该向量的长度; (6)Vector类型只读属性Normalized,可读取归一化后的向量,即向量方向不变,模变为1;如果自身的模小于epsilon,返回zero。 (7)double类型方法DistanceTo(Vector other),将向量当做三维点,计算与另一个点的距离; (8)Vector类型方法MoveTowards(Vector target, double distance),将本向量当做三维点,沿本点与target点的连线方向,移动distance距离,获得一个新的三维点,并返回; (9)重写ToString()方法,输出形式如”(1.2, 2.4, 3.6)”; (10)在Main方法中构造一些向量,测试5、6、7、8、9获得的属性或函数。 提交上述程序与运行截图。
class Program { static void Main (string [] args ) { Vector v1 = new Vector(5 , 2 ); Vector v2 = new Vector(2 , 2 , 2 ); Console.WriteLine(v1.Magnitude); Console.WriteLine(v2.Normalized); Console.WriteLine(v1.DistanceTo(v2)); Console.WriteLine(v1.MoveTowards(v2, 2 )); } } class Vector { public const double epsilon = 0.00001 ; private double x, y, z; public static Vector left = new Vector(-1 , 0 , 0 ); public static Vector right = new Vector(0 , 0 , 1 ); public static Vector zero = new Vector(); public double X { get => x; set => x = value ; } public double Y { get => y; set => y = value ; } public double Z { get => z; set => z = value ; } public Vector (double x, double y, double z ) => (this .x, this .y, this .z) = (x, y, z); public Vector (double x, double y ) : this (x, y, 0 ) { } public Vector () : this (0 , 0 , 0 ) { } public double Magnitude { get => Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } public Vector Normalized { get { double mag = Magnitude; if (mag > epsilon) return new Vector(x / mag, y / mag, z / mag); else return zero; } } public double DistanceTo (Vector v ) { double diff_x = x - v.x; double diff_y = y - v.y; double diff_z = z - v.z; return (float )Math.Sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y + diff_z * diff_z); } public Vector MoveTowards (Vector target, double distance ) { Vector direction = new Vector(target.X - x, target.Y - y, target.Z - z); double mag = direction.Magnitude; if (mag < epsilon) return target; return new Vector(x + direction.x * distance / mag, y + direction.y * distance / mag, z + direction.z * distance / mag); } public override string ToString () => $"({x} , {y} , {z} )" ; }
1. 按要求编写代码,并进行代码重构:
(1)int类型字段hour, minute, second;
(2)int类型属性Hour, Minute, Second,其中,要求在set访问器对用户提供的值进行校验,Hour在0-23之间,Minute和Second均在0-59之间。被赋其它值时抛出异常,抛出方法:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), value,
$”{nameof(Hour)} must be 0 - 23”);
(4)编写Time Next(int hour, int minute, int second)函数,在现有时间上加上参数指定时间段后,返回新的时间信息;
(5)编写string ToUniversalString()方法,输出24时制的时分秒信息;
(6)编写string ToString()方法,加上override修饰,输出12时制的时间信息,并添加AM和PM后缀。
public class Time2 { private int hour; private int minute; private int second; public Time2 (int hour = 0 , int minute = 0 , int second = 0 ) { SetTime(hour, minute, second); } public Time2 (Time2 t ) : this (t.Hour, t.Minute, t.Second ) { } public void SetTime (int hour, int minute, int second ) { Hour = hour; Minute = minute; Second = second; } public Time2 Next (int hour = 0 , int minute = 0 , int second = 0 ) { int seconds = (Hour + hour) * 3600 + (Minute + minute) * 60 + Second + second; Time2 newTime = new Time2(); newTime.Hour = (seconds / 3600 ) % 24 ; newTime.Minute = (seconds % 3600 ) / 60 ; newTime.Second = seconds % 60 ; return newTime; } public int Hour { get { return hour; } set { if (value < 0 || value > 23 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof (value ), value , $"{nameof (Hour)} must be 0 - 23" ); } hour = value ; } } public int Minute { get { return minute; } set { if (value < 0 || value > 59 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof (value ), value , $"{nameof (Minute)} must be 0 - 59" ); } minute = value ; } } public int Second { get { return second; } set { if (value < 0 || value > 59 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof (value ), value , $"{nameof (Second)} must be 0 - 59" ); } second = value ; } } public string ToUniversalString () => $"{Hour:D2} :{Minute:D2} :{Second:D2} " ; public override string ToString () => $"{((Hour == 0 || Hour == 12 ) ? 12 : Hour % 12 )} :" + $"{Minute:D2} :{Second:D2} {(Hour < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" )} " ; } class Ex4 : Object { public static void Main () { var t1 = new Time2(); var t2 = new Time2(2 ); var t3 = new Time2(21 , 34 ); var t4 = new Time2(12 , 25 , 42 ); var t5 = new Time2(t4); t5.Hour = 15 ; var t6 = t5.Next(10 , 40 , 0 ); Console.WriteLine("t1:" ); Console.WriteLine($"{t1.ToUniversalString()} " ); Console.WriteLine($"{t1.ToString()} \n" ); Console.WriteLine("t2:" ); Console.WriteLine($"{t2.ToUniversalString()} " ); Console.WriteLine($"{t2.ToString()} \n" ); Console.WriteLine("t3:" ); Console.WriteLine($"{t3.ToUniversalString()} " ); Console.WriteLine($"{t3.ToString()} \n" ); Console.WriteLine("t4:" ); Console.WriteLine($"{t4.ToUniversalString()} " ); Console.WriteLine($"{t4.ToString()} \n" ); Console.WriteLine("t5:" ); Console.WriteLine($"{t5.ToUniversalString()} " ); Console.WriteLine($"{t5.ToString()} \n" ); Console.WriteLine("t6:" ); Console.WriteLine($"{t6.ToUniversalString()} " ); Console.WriteLine($"{t6.ToString()} \n" ); } }
namespace CA3 { public class Time { private int second; public Time (int hour = 0 , int minute = 0 , int second = 0 ) { SetTime(hour, minute, second); } public Time (Time t ) : this (t.Hour, t.Minute, t.Second ) { } public void SetTime (int hour, int minute, int second ) { Hour = hour; Minute = minute; Second = second; } public Time Next (int hour, int minute, int second ) { Time newTime = new Time(this ); newTime.second += hour * 3600 + minute * 60 + second; newTime.second %= 24 * 3600 ; return newTime; } public int Hour { get { return second / 3600 ; } set { if (value < 0 || value > 23 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof (value ), value , $"Hour must be 0 - 23" ); } second += (value - Hour) * 3600 ; } } public int Minute { get { return (second % 3600 ) / 60 ; } set { if (value < 0 || value > 59 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof (value ), value , $"Minute must be 0 - 59" ); } second += (value - Minute) * 60 ; } } public int Second { get { return second % 60 ; } set { if (value < 0 || value > 59 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof (value ), value , $"Second must be 0 - 59" ); } second += value - Second; } } public string ToUniversalString () => $"{Hour:D2} :{Minute:D2} :{Second:D2} " ; public override string ToString () => $"{((Hour == 0 || Hour == 12 ) ? 12 : Hour % 12 )} :" + $"{Minute:D2} :{Second:D2} {(Hour < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" )} " ; } class Program { public static void Main () { var t1 = new Time(); var t2 = new Time(2 ); var t3 = new Time(21 , 34 ); var t4 = new Time(12 , 25 , 42 ); var t5 = new Time(t4); t5.Hour = 15 ; var t6 = t5.Next(10 , 40 , 0 ); Console.WriteLine("t1:" ); Console.WriteLine(t1.ToUniversalString()); Console.WriteLine(t1.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("t2:" ); Console.WriteLine(t2.ToUniversalString()); Console.WriteLine(t2.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("t3:" ); Console.WriteLine(t3.ToUniversalString()); Console.WriteLine(t3.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("t4:" ); Console.WriteLine(t4.ToUniversalString()); Console.WriteLine(t4.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("t5:" ); Console.WriteLine(t5.ToUniversalString()); Console.WriteLine(t5.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("t6:" ); Console.WriteLine(t6.ToUniversalString()); Console.WriteLine(t6.ToString()); } } }
已提供了Ellipse(椭圆)类的实现,要求写两个版本的“圆”类,一个名为DerivingCircle,与Ellipse是继承关系;一个名为ComposingCircle,与Ellipse是包含关系。两个圆类要求具备以下功能: 两个double类型属性CenterX和CenterY,可读写圆心坐标 一个double类型属性Radius,可读写圆的半径 一个三参数构造方法,以指定的x,y,radius来构造 一个无参构造方法,调用上一构造方法 一个只读属性Area,获取圆面积 一个只读属性Perimeter,获取圆周长 一个方法Contains(double x, double y),如果指定的点(x, y)处于本圆内,返回true 一个方法Contains(ICircle circle),如果指定的圆circle在本圆内,返回true 一个方法Overlaps(ICirlce circle),如果指定的圆circle与本圆有重合,返回true 一个方法ToString(),将圆心与半径显示出来 由于DerivingCircle和ComposingCircle其实都是圆,对外公开的函数成员(属性、方法、索引器等)是一样的,因此按照面向接口编程的思想,首先定义共同的接口,再让两个类来实现该接口,即: 1)定义一个ICircle接口,其中声明圆的共同函数成员; 2)定义一个DerivedCircle,要求类头部为: class DerivingCircle: Ellipse, ICircle 内部实现时,合理使用base, virtual, override等保留字。 在实现Radius属性时,不定义新的字段,而是利用椭圆的长轴半径和短轴半径,并确保两者保持一致。 3)定义一个ComposingCircle,要求类头部为: class ComposingCircle : ICircle{ private Ellipse ellipse; 内部实现时,不定义新的圆心和半径字段,充分利用该私有的ellipse来进行操作。 4)使用以下程序进行测试:
ComposingCircle c1 = new ComposingCircle(); c1.Radius = 6 ; DerivingCircle c2 = new DerivingCircle(1 , 1 , 3 ); Console.WriteLine(c1); Console.WriteLine(c2); Console.WriteLine("c1是否包含(1, 1):" + c1.Contains(1 , 1 )); Console.WriteLine("c1是否包含c2:" + c1.Contains(c2)); Console.WriteLine("c1与c2是否有重叠:" + c1.Overlaps(c2));
输出为:包含椭圆的圆:圆心在(0, 0),半径为6 继承椭圆的圆:圆心在(1, 1),半径为3 c1是否包含(1, 1):True c1是否包含c2:True c1与c2是否有重叠:True
using System;using System.Collections;using System.Diagnostics;using static System.Console;namespace ConsoleApp { public interface ICircle { double Radius { get ; set ; } double CenterX { get ; set ; } double CenterY { get ; set ; } double Area { get ; } double Perimeter { get ; } bool Contains (double x, double y ) ; bool Contains (ICircle circle ) ; bool Overlaps (ICircle circle ) ; } class CircleComparer : IComparer <ICircle > { public string CompareType { get ; set ; } public int Compare (ICircle c1, ICircle c2 ) { if (c1 == null || c2 == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException(); switch (CompareType) { case "radius" : return c1.Radius.CompareTo(c2.Radius); case "x" : return c1.CenterX.CompareTo(c2.CenterX); case "y" : return c1.CenterY.CompareTo(c2.CenterY); default : throw new ArgumentException("不支持该比较方式" ); } } } class Ellipse { public double CenterX { get ; set ; } public double CenterY { get ; set ; } protected double radiusLong; public virtual double RadiusLong { get { return radiusLong; } set { if (value < 0 ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("RadiusLong" , value , "RadiusLong必须赋正值" ); radiusLong = value ; if (radiusShort > 0 && value < radiusShort) { radiusLong = radiusShort; radiusShort = value ; } } } protected double radiusShort; public virtual double RadiusShort { get { return radiusShort; } set { if (value < 0 ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("RadiusShort" , value , "RadiusShort必须赋正值" ); if (value > radiusLong) { radiusShort = radiusLong; radiusLong = value ; } else { radiusShort = value ; } } } public Ellipse (double cx, double cy, double rx, double ry ) { CenterX = cx; CenterY = cy; RadiusLong = rx; RadiusShort = ry; } public virtual double Area { get { return Math.PI * RadiusLong * RadiusShort; } } public virtual double Perimeter { get { return 2 * Math.PI * RadiusShort + 4 * (RadiusLong - RadiusShort); } } public double DistanceTo (double x, double y ) { return Math.Sqrt((CenterX - x) * (CenterX - x) + (CenterY - y) * (CenterY - y)); } public override string ToString () { return $"椭圆:圆心在({CenterX} , {CenterY} ),长短半轴为({RadiusLong} , {RadiusShort} )" ; } } class DerivingCircle : Ellipse , ICircle , IComparable { public double Radius { get { return RadiusLong; } set { RadiusLong = value ; RadiusShort = value ; } } public DerivingCircle () : this (0 , 0 , 1 ) { } public DerivingCircle (double cx, double cy, double r ) : base (cx, cy, r, r ) { Radius = r; } public override double Area { get { return Math.PI * Radius * Radius; } } public override double Perimeter { get { return 2 * Math.PI * Radius; } } public bool Contains (double x, double y ) { return DistanceTo(x, y) <= Radius; } public bool Contains (ICircle circle ) { return DistanceTo(circle.CenterX, circle.CenterY) <= Radius - circle.Radius; } public bool Overlaps (ICircle circle ) { return DistanceTo(circle.CenterX, circle.CenterY) <= Radius + circle.Radius; } public bool Extend (double range, out ICircle newCircle ) { if (Radius + range < 0 ) { newCircle = new DerivingCircle(CenterX, CenterY, Radius); return false ; } newCircle = new DerivingCircle(CenterX, CenterY, Radius + range); return true ; } public override string ToString () { return $"派生的圆:圆心在({CenterX} , {CenterY} ),半径为{Radius} " ; } public int CompareTo (object obj ) { if (obj == null || !(obj is ICircle)) throw new ArgumentException(); ICircle circle = obj as ICircle; return Radius.CompareTo(circle.Radius); } } class ComposingCircle : ICircle , IComparable <ICircle > { private Ellipse ellipse; public double Radius { get { return ellipse.RadiusLong; } set { ellipse.RadiusLong = value ; ellipse.RadiusShort = value ; } } public double CenterX { get => ellipse.CenterX; set => ellipse.CenterX = value ; } public double CenterY { get => ellipse.CenterY; set => ellipse.CenterY = value ; } public ComposingCircle () : this (0 , 0 , 1 ) { } public ComposingCircle (double cx, double cy, double r ) { ellipse = new Ellipse(cx, cy, r, r); } public double Area { get { return Math.PI * Radius * Radius; } } public double Perimeter { get { return 2 * Math.PI * Radius; } } public bool Contains (double x, double y ) { return ellipse.DistanceTo(x, y) <= Radius; } public bool Contains (ICircle circle ) { return ellipse.DistanceTo(circle.CenterX, circle.CenterY) <= Radius - circle.Radius; } public bool Overlaps (ICircle circle ) { return ellipse.DistanceTo(circle.CenterX, circle.CenterY) <= Radius + circle.Radius; } public bool Extend (double range, out ICircle newCircle ) { if (Radius + range < 0 ) { newCircle = new DerivingCircle(CenterX, CenterY, Radius); return false ; } newCircle = new DerivingCircle(CenterX, CenterY, Radius + range); return true ; } public override string ToString () { return $"包含的圆:圆心在({CenterX} , {CenterY} ),半径为{Radius} " ; } public int CompareTo (ICircle obj ) { return Radius.CompareTo(obj.Radius); } } public delegate bool CirclePredicate (ICircle number ) ; public class Exp3_1 { public static void Main () { ComposingCircle c1 = new ComposingCircle(); c1.Radius = 6 ; DerivingCircle c2 = new DerivingCircle(1 , 1 , 3 ); Console.WriteLine(c1); Console.WriteLine(c2); Console.WriteLine("c1是否包含(1, 1):" + c1.Contains(1 , 1 )); Console.WriteLine("c1是否包含c2:" + c1.Contains(c2)); Console.WriteLine("c1与c2是否有重叠:" + c1.Overlaps(c2)); Random rd = new Random(); ICircle[] cirs = new ICircle[10 ]; for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { cirs[2 * i] = new ComposingCircle(rd.Next(-100 , 100 ), rd.Next(-100 , 100 ), rd.Next(100 )); cirs[2 * i + 1 ] = new DerivingCircle(rd.Next(-100 , 100 ), rd.Next(-100 , 100 ), rd.Next(100 )); } Console.WriteLine("基于半径进行比较" ); Array.Sort(cirs, new CircleComparer { CompareType = "radius" }); Array.ForEach(cirs, x => Console.WriteLine(x)); Console.WriteLine("基于圆心X坐标进行比较" ); Array.Sort(cirs, new CircleComparer { CompareType = "x" }); Array.ForEach(cirs, x => Console.WriteLine(x)); Console.WriteLine("基于圆心Y坐标进行比较" ); Array.Sort(cirs, new CircleComparer { CompareType = "y" }); Array.ForEach(cirs, x => Console.WriteLine(x)); CirclePredicate predicate = InFirstQuadrant; Console.WriteLine("利用委托变量判断是否位于第一象限: {0}" , predicate(cirs[0 ])); List<ICircle> selected = FilterArray(cirs, predicate); DisplayList("数组中的位于第一象限的圆有: " , selected); selected = FilterArray(cirs, IntersectWithAxis); DisplayList("数组中与坐标轴相交的圆有 : " , selected); } private static List<ICircle> FilterArray (ICircle[] array, CirclePredicate predicate ) { List<ICircle> list = new List<ICircle>(); foreach (ICircle c in array) { if (predicate(c)) list.Add(c); } return list; } private static bool InFirstQuadrant (ICircle circle ) { return circle.CenterX > circle.Radius && circle.CenterX > circle.Radius; } private static bool IntersectWithAxis (ICircle circle ) { return Math.Abs(circle.CenterX) < circle.Radius || Math.Abs(circle.CenterY) < circle.Radius; ; } private static void DisplayList (string description, List<ICircle> list ) { Console.WriteLine(description); foreach (ICircle i in list) { Console.WriteLine(i); } } } }
继承 已有两个接口,IBankAccount接口代表一个银行账户能提供的操作,包括存入、支付、查询余额。ITransferBankAccount接口继承IBankAccount接口,并提供转账功能。public interface IBankAccount { void PayIn (decimal amount ) ; bool Withdraw (decimal amount ) ; decimal Balance { get ; } } public interface ITransferBankAccount : IBankAccount { bool TransferTo (IBankAccount destination, decimal amount ) ; }
要求写三个类,按以下方式构建继承体系,并重载ToString方法,输出账户主要信息。 1)类SaverAccount继承接口IBankAccount。当支付金额超出余额时应打印出错信息。 2)类TransferBankAccount继承类SaverAccount和接口ITransferBankAccount。 3)类CreditAccount继承IBankAccount,并添加Limit属性,代表透支额度。在支付时,若透支应打印提示信息;若超出透支额度,支付不成功,应打印出错信息。 运行以下测试程序,将输出结果粘贴
IBankAccount sa = new SaverAccount { Balance = 500 }; sa.PayIn(100 ); sa.Withdraw(550 ); Console.WriteLine(sa); Console.WriteLine(); ITransferBankAccount tba = new TransferBankAccount { Balance = 700 }; tba.TransferTo(sa, 750 ); tba.TransferTo(sa, 200 ); Console.WriteLine(tba); Console.WriteLine(); IBankAccount ca = new CreditAccount { Balance = 100 , Limit = 500 }; ca.Withdraw(300 ); ca.Withdraw(400 ); Console.WriteLine(ca);
using static System.Console;namespace ConsoleApp5 { public interface IBankAccount { void PayIn (decimal amount ) ; bool Withdraw (decimal amount ) ; decimal Balance { get ; } } public interface ITransferBankAccount : IBankAccount { bool TransferTo (IBankAccount destination, decimal amount ) ; } public class SaverAccount : IBankAccount { public void PayIn (decimal amount ) => Balance += amount; public virtual bool Withdraw (decimal amount ) { if (Balance >= amount) { Balance -= amount; return true ; } WriteLine("支付失败!" ); return false ; } public decimal Balance { get ; set ; } public override string ToString () => $"存款账户:余额 = {Balance,6 :C} " ; } public class TransferBankAccount : SaverAccount , ITransferBankAccount { public bool TransferTo (IBankAccount destination, decimal amount ) { bool result = Withdraw(amount); if (result) { destination.PayIn(amount); WriteLine("转账成功!" ); } return result; } public override string ToString () => $"转账账户:余额 = {Balance,6 :C} " ; } public class CreditAccount : SaverAccount { public decimal Limit { get ; set ; } public override bool Withdraw (decimal amount ) { if (Balance >= amount) { Balance -= amount; return true ; } else if (Balance + Limit > amount) { Balance -= amount; WriteLine("支付成功,已透支!" ); return true ; } else { WriteLine("超出限额,支付失败!" ); return false ; } } public override string ToString () => $"信用卡账户:余额 = {Balance,6 :C} , 透支额度 = {Limit,6 :C} " ; } class Ex4 : Object { public static void Main () { IBankAccount sa = new SaverAccount { Balance = 500 }; sa.PayIn(100 ); sa.Withdraw(550 ); WriteLine(sa); WriteLine(); ITransferBankAccount tba = new TransferBankAccount { Balance = 700 }; tba.TransferTo(sa, 750 ); tba.TransferTo(sa, 200 ); WriteLine(tba); WriteLine(); IBankAccount ca = new CreditAccount { Balance = 100 , Limit = 500 }; ca.Withdraw(300 ); ca.Withdraw(400 ); WriteLine(ca); } } }
1. 以下代码模拟一个服务类,Server类实现了服务器的创建逻辑,子类只要在生成实例对象时传递一个端口号即可创建一个监听该端口的服务,该代码意图如下:
运行该程序,多运行几次,查看输出结果,写出你认为的code 1 – 5的执行顺序,并解释原因。
class Test { public int i = 0 ; static void Main (string [] args ) { Server s = new SimpleServer(1000 ); } } abstract class Server { protected const int DEFAULT_PORT = 40000 ; public Server () { int port = getPort(); Console.WriteLine("Port: " + port); } protected abstract int getPort () ; } class SimpleServer : Server { private int port = 100 ; public SimpleServer (int _port ) { port = _port; } protected override int getPort () { return (new Random()).NextDouble() > 0.5 ? port : DEFAULT_PORT; } }
code1: 常量定义,在编译时就执行了。 code3: 执行初始化语句 code2: 在构造子类实例时,首先调用基类构造方法 code5: getPort()方法是虚方法,基于多态原理,调用了子类的getPort()方法 code4: 构造子类实例,调用子类构造方法
如果将SimpleServer的port修饰符private修改为public,并在Main方法中加上: SimpleServer ss = (SimpleServer)s; Console.WriteLine(ss.port); 将会显示port值最终必然是1000,可以肯定code4是最后执行的
当实例化一个子类时,父类以及子类的变量初始化和构造函数的执行顺序如下: 1.子类的静态变量; 2.子类的静态构造函数; 3.子类的变量; 4.父类的静态变量(此时因为要执行子类的构造函数,会与父类发生关系); 5.父类静态构造函数; 6.父类变量; 7.父类构造函数; 8.子类构造函数。
List 要求模拟string类的部分功能,写一个MyString类,它的部分代码如下所示:
class MyString : IComparable <MyString >{ private List<char > chs; public char this [int index]{ get { ...... } } }
static void Main (string [] args ) { MyString str1 = new MyString("Hello" ); MyString str2 = new MyString("Hello world" ); Console.WriteLine(str2.Length); Console.WriteLine(str2[6 ]); Console.WriteLine(str1.ToLower()); Console.WriteLine(str1.CompareTo(str2.Substring(0 , 5 ))); Console.WriteLine(str1.CompareTo(str2)); MyString str3 = str1 + new MyString(". Nice to meet you." ); Console.WriteLine(str3); }
class MyString : IComparable <MyString > { private List<char > chs; public char this [int index] { get { if (index < 0 || index >= Length) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); return chs[index]; } } public MyString () { chs = new List<char >(); } public MyString (char [] chars ) { chs = new List<char >(chars); } public MyString (string str ) : this (str.ToCharArray( )) { } public int Length { get => chs.Count; } public MyString Substring (int startIndex, int length ) { if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= Length || Length < 0 || startIndex + length >= Length) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); MyString newStr = new MyString(); for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i++) { newStr.chs.Add(chs[i]); } return newStr; } public MyString ToLower () { char [] temp = new char [Length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < chs.Count; i++) { temp[i] = Char.ToLower(chs[i]); } return new MyString(temp); } public static MyString operator +(MyString str1, MyString str2) { str1.chs.AddRange(str2.chs); return str1; } public int CompareTo (MyString other ) { if (other == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException(); int size = (Length > other.Length) ? other.Length : Length; for (int i = 0 ; i < chs.Count; i++) { if (chs[i] > other[i]) return 1 ; else if (chs[i] < other[i]) return -1 ; } if (Length > other.Length) return 1 ; else if (Length < other.Length) return -1 ; else return 0 ; } public override string ToString () { return new string (chs.ToArray()); } } class Test { static void Main (string [] args ) { MyString str1 = new MyString("Hello" ); MyString str2 = new MyString("Hello world" ); Console.WriteLine(str2.Length); Console.WriteLine(str2[6 ]); Console.WriteLine(str1.ToLower()); Console.WriteLine(str1.CompareTo(str2.Substring(0 , 5 ))); Console.WriteLine(str1.CompareTo(str2)); MyString str3 = str1 + new MyString(". Nice to meet you." ); Console.WriteLine(str3); } }
.NET基础类库的泛型列表类List已经提供了比较丰富的功能,但相比其它语言中内置的列表数据结构还不够强大。为此,要求创建一个类MyList,继承List,用于存储整数,并提供一些方便的功能,包括: 构造方法:MyList(List lst),将参数中的列表元素复制过来 重写string ToString(),将元素输出为[1, 2, 3]形式 重载加法运算符,返回的新列表包含两个MyList参数中的元素 重载乘法运算符,返回的新列表包含MyList参数重复多次后的元素 方法:MyList SubList(int start, int stop = 0, int step = 1),提取从start到end(不含)间的元素。start、stop、step均可为负数 继承泛型IComparable接口,根据列表中元素进行比较 使用以下主方法进行测试。
class Test { static void Main (string [] args ) { List<int > lst = new List<int >() { 1 , 4 , 9 , 6 , 3 , 5 }; WriteLine(lst); MyList lst1 = new MyList(lst); WriteLine("1: " + lst1); MyList lst2 = lst1 * 2 ; WriteLine("2: " + lst2); MyList lst3 = lst2.SubList(4 , 8 ); WriteLine("3 从4到8: " + lst3); MyList lst4 = lst2.SubList(4 , 8 , 2 ); WriteLine("4 从4到8步长2: " + lst4); MyList lst5 = lst2.SubList(-2 , 1 , -3 ); WriteLine("5 从-2到1步长-3: " + lst5); WriteLine("1比2: " + lst1.CompareTo(lst2)); WriteLine("3比4: " + lst3.CompareTo(lst4)); } }
class MyList : List <int >, IComparable <MyList > { public MyList (List<int > lst ) { if (lst != null ) AddRange(lst); } public static MyList operator +(MyList left, MyList right) { MyList list = new MyList(left); list.AddRange(right); return list; } public static MyList operator *(MyList left, int numOfCopies) { MyList list = new MyList(left); while (numOfCopies != 1 ) { list.AddRange(left); numOfCopies--; } return list; } public MyList SubList (int start, int stop = 0 , int step = 1 ) { if (start < 0 ) start = Count + start; if (stop < 0 ) stop = Count + stop; if (step == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException("step不可为负数" ); MyList result = new MyList(null ); if (step > 0 ) { for (int i = start; i < stop; i += step) { result.Add(this [i]); } } else { for (int i = start; i > stop; i += step) { result.Add(this [i]); } } return result; } public override string ToString () { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("[" ); for (int i = 0 ; i < Count; i++) { result.Append(this [i]); if (i != Count - 1 ) result.Append(", " ); } result.Append("]" ); return result.ToString(); } public int CompareTo (MyList? other ) { if (other == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("Argument null in CompareTo" ); int size = (Count < other.Count) ? Count : other.Count; for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i++) { if (this [i] != other[i]) return this [i] - other[i]; } return Count - other.Count; } } class Ex4 : Object { public static void Main () { List<int > lst = new List<int >() { 1 , 4 , 9 , 6 , 3 , 5 }; WriteLine(lst); MyList lst1 = new MyList(lst); WriteLine("1: " + lst1); MyList lst2 = lst1 * 2 ; WriteLine("2: " + lst2); MyList lst3 = lst2.SubList(4 , 8 ); WriteLine("3 从4到8: " + lst3); MyList lst4 = lst2.SubList(4 , 8 , 2 ); WriteLine("4 从4到8步长2: " + lst4); MyList lst5 = lst2.SubList(-2 , 1 , -3 ); WriteLine("5 从-2到1步长-3: " + lst5); WriteLine("1比2: " + lst1.CompareTo(lst2)); WriteLine("3比4: " + lst3.CompareTo(lst4)); } }
LINQ 编写一个控制台程序: 1)将30个随机字母加入到List<char>
中。(可使用Random类和它的Next(int MaxValue)方法) 2)对该List执行LINQ查询,按升序排序并显示字母,要求里面的字母不重复。 运行示例: 原字母:wzzlesgurcpoupisragrejogivpnyd
List<char > lst = new List<char >(30 ); Random rd = new Random(); WriteLine("原字母:" ); for (int i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++) { lst.Add((char )('a' + rd.Next(26 ))); Console.Write(lst[i]); } WriteLine(); var result = from c in lst orderby c select c; WriteLine("查询结果:" ); foreach (var c in result.Distinct()) { Console.Write(c); }
矩阵数组 矩阵求和:
double[,] AddMatrix(double[,] a, double[,] b)
方法首先要判断矩阵的维度是一样的。假设和为矩阵c,则cij = aij + bij。
请输入矩阵行数:2 请输入矩阵列数:3 矩阵加法: 7 7 6| 7 0 1| 14 7 7 8 5 5| 9 8 4| 17 13 9
using static System.Console;class Ex4 { static void Main (string [] args ) { Write("请输入矩阵行数:" ); int row = int .Parse(ReadLine()); Write("请输入矩阵列数:" ); int col = int .Parse(ReadLine()); double [,] arr1 = new double [row, col]; double [,] arr2 = new double [row, col]; Random rd = new Random(); for (int i = 0 ; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0 ; j < col; j++) { arr1[i, j] = rd.Next(10 ); arr2[i, j] = rd.Next(10 ); } } Console.WriteLine("矩阵加法:" ); double [,] result = AddMatrix(arr1, arr2); for (int i = 0 ; i < result.GetLength(0 ); i++) { for (int j = 0 ; j < result.GetLength(1 ); j++) { Console.Write($"{arr1[i, j],4 } " ); } Console.Write("|\t" ); for (int j = 0 ; j < result.GetLength(1 ); j++) { Console.Write($"{arr2[i, j],4 } " ); } Console.Write("|" + "\t" ); for (int j = 0 ; j < result.GetLength(1 ); j++) { Console.Write($"{result[i, j],4 } " ); } Console.WriteLine(); } } public static double [,] AddMatrix(double [,] a, double [,] b) { if (a.GetLength(0 ) != b.GetLength(0 ) || a.GetLength(1 ) != b.GetLength(1 )) return null ; int n = a.GetLength(0 ); int m = a.GetLength(1 ); double [,] result = new double [n, m]; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0 ; j < m; j++) { result[i, j] = a[i, j] + b[i, j]; } } return result; } }
参数修饰符 ref
using System;class Program { static void Main (string [] args ) { Console.WriteLine("Sum of 1, 2, 3: " + Sum(1 , 2 , 3 )); Console.WriteLine("Sum of 4, 5: " + Sum(4 , 5 )); Console.WriteLine("Sum of 6: " + Sum(6 )); Console.WriteLine("Sum of no numbers: " + Sum()); } public static int Sum (params int [] numbers ) { int sum = 0 ; foreach (int number in numbers) { sum += number; } return sum; } }
class MeanTool { public static double Mean (double a, double b, double c ) { return …; } …… } class Program { public static void Main () { double value1 = 2.0 , ……; Console.WriteLine("函数1:{0}" , MeanTool.Mean(value1, ……)); double result1 = 0.0 ; …… } }
class MeanTool { public static double Mean (double a, double b, double c ) { return (a + b + c) / 3 ; } public static void Mean (double a, double b, double c, ref double max, ref double min, ref double average ) { max = min = a; max = (max > b) ? max : b; min = (min < b) ? min : b; max = (max > c) ? max : c; min = (min < c) ? min : c; average = (a + b + c) / 3 ; } public static void Mean2 (double a, double b, double c, out double max, out double min, out double average ) { max = min = a; max = (max > b) ? max : b; min = (min < b) ? min : b; max = (max > c) ? max : c; min = (min < c) ? min : c; average = (a + b + c) / 3 ; } public static (double , double , double ) Mean (params double [] numbers ) { double max = 0 ; double min = 0 ; double average = 0 ; if (numbers.Length == 0 ) return (0 , 0 , 0 ); max = numbers[0 ]; min = numbers[0 ]; double sum = numbers[0 ]; for (int i = 1 ; i < numbers.Length; i++) { if (numbers[i] > max) max = numbers[i]; if (numbers[i] < min) min = numbers[i]; sum += numbers[i]; } average = sum / numbers.Length; return (max, min, average); } } class Ex3 { public static void Main () { double max = 2 , min = 3 , average = 4 ; Console.WriteLine($"函数1:(2, 3, 4) -> {MeanTool.Mean(max, min, average)} " ); Console.Write("函数2:" ); MeanTool.Mean(2 , 3 , 4 , ref max, ref min, ref average); Console.WriteLine($"(2, 3, 4) -> ({max} , {min} , {average} )" ); Console.Write("函数3:" ); MeanTool.Mean2(12 , 3 , 9 , out max, out min, out average); Console.WriteLine($"(12, 3, 9) -> ({max} , {min} , {average} )" ); Console.Write("函数4:" ); (max, min, average) = MeanTool.Mean(2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ); Console.WriteLine($"(2, 3, 4, 5, 6) -> ({max} , {min} , {average} )" ); } }
值类型 引用类型 struct SomeVal { public int x; }class SomeRef { public int x; }class SomeRef2 { public SomeVal val; }struct SomeVal3 { public SomeRef rf; }class Program { public static void Main () { SomeVal v1; v1.x = 100 ; Console.WriteLine(v1.x); v1 = new SomeVal(); Console.WriteLine(v1.x); v1.x = 5 ; Console.WriteLine(v1.x); SomeRef r1; r1 = new SomeRef(); Console.WriteLine(r1.x); r1.x = 5 ; Console.WriteLine(r1.x); SomeVal v2 = v1; SomeRef r2 = r1; v1.x = 9 ; r1.x = 8 ; Console.WriteLine(r1.x); Console.WriteLine(r2.x); Console.WriteLine(v1.x); Console.WriteLine(v2.x); SomeRef2 sf2_1 = new SomeRef2(); SomeVal sv2_1 = sf2_1.val; SomeRef2 sf2_2 = new SomeRef2(); SomeVal sv2_2 = sf2_2.val; Console.WriteLine($"两个类实例相等吗?{sf2_1.Equals(sf2_2)} " ); Console.WriteLine($"两个结构实例相等吗?{sv2_1.Equals(sv2_2)} " ); SomeVal3 sv3_1 = new SomeVal3(); SomeVal3 sv3_2 = new SomeVal3(); Console.WriteLine($"{sv3_1.rf == null } {sv3_2.rf == null } " ); Console.WriteLine($"两个结构实例相等吗?{sv3_1.Equals(sv3_2)} " ); sv3_1.rf = new SomeRef(); sv3_2.rf = new SomeRef(); Console.WriteLine($"两个类实例相等吗?{sv3_1.rf.Equals(sv3_2.rf)} " ); } }
Lambda 按要求编写Lambda表达式:
.NET已定义的Func<out TResult>
是一个泛型委托,它封装一个方法,该方法不具有参数,且返回由 TResult 参数指定的类型的值。它的使用,举一例如下:
Func<int > f1 = () => DateTime.Now.Year; Console.WriteLine(f1());
该泛型委托有好几个同名兄弟类型,如Func,Func 等(直到T16)等,仿照上面的例子编写Lambda表达式,并调用它们:
(1)写一个Lambda表达式赋给Func f2,使其完成取平方根功能(可用Math.Sqrt方法)。
(2)写一个Lambda表达式赋给Func f3,使两个整数参数先平方,再相加,再取平方根。
和Action<int, List<int>>
Func<int , double > f2 = x => Math.Sqrt(x); Console.WriteLine(f2(3 )); Func<int , int , double > f3 = (x, y) => Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); Console.WriteLine(f3(3 , 4 )); int num = 5 ;Predicate<int > modn = x => x % num == 0 ; Console.WriteLine($"-3 is {num} 's multiple? {modn(-3 )} " ); Action<string > print = name => Console.Write(name + "\t" ); print("Hello" ); print("World" ); Console.WriteLine(); Action<int , List<int >> a2 = (x, y) => y.Add(x); List<int > lst = new List<int >(); a2(1 , lst); a2(2 , lst); foreach (int value in lst) Console.WriteLine(value );
IComparable IComparer IComparable
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;public class Person : IComparable <Person >{ public string Name { get ; set ; } public int Age { get ; set ; } public int CompareTo (Person other ) { if (other == null ) return 1 ; return Age.CompareTo(other.Age); } } public class PersonComparer : IComparer <Person >{ public int Compare (Person x, Person y ) { if (x == null ) return y == null ? 0 : -1 ; if (y == null ) return 1 ; return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name); } } public class Program { public static void Main () { List<Person> people = new List<Person>{ new Person { Name = "Alice" , Age = 30 }, new Person { Name = "Bob" , Age = 25 }, new Person { Name = "Charlie" , Age = 35 } }; people.Sort(); Console.WriteLine("Sorted by age:" ); foreach (var person in people){ Console.WriteLine($"{person.Name} , {person.Age} " ); } people.Sort(new PersonComparer()); Console.WriteLine("\nSorted by name:" ); foreach (var person in people){ Console.WriteLine($"{person.Name} , {person.Age} " ); } } }
方法重载 方法重载(Method Overloading)是指在同一个类中,允许存在多个具有相同名称但参数列表不同的方法。这些方法在功能上通常是相关的,但是处理不同类型或数量的参数。方法重载是一种多态性(Polymorphism)的表现,它允许程序员使用一个方法名来表示多个功能,使得代码更加简洁易读。
返回类型可以相同或不同,但仅仅返回类型的不同不构成重载 。
class Calculator { public int Add (int a, int b ) { return a + b; } public double Add (double a, double b ) { return a + b; } public int Add (int a, int b, int c ) { return a + b + c; } }
常用容器 C#中常用的容器主要来自于System.Collections和System.Collections.Generic命名空间。以下是一些常用的容器:
1. List<T>:表示可调整大小的动态数组,用于存储同一类型的对象。 2. Dictionary<TKey, TValue>:表示键值对的集合,它允许你通过键来访问值。这是一个哈希表实现。 3. HashSet<T>:表示一组不包含重复元素的集合,它提供了高性能的集合操作,如插入、删除和查找。 4. Stack<T>:表示一个后进先出(LIFO)的对象集合,可以用于存储和检索对象。 5. Queue<T>:表示一个先进先出(FIFO)的对象集合,用于存储和检索对象。 6. LinkedList<T>:表示一个双向链表,它提供了在链表中插入和删除节点的高效操作。 7. SortedList<TKey, TValue>:表示根据键排序的键值对的集合。它允许你通过键来访问值。 8. SortedSet<T>:表示一组不包含重复元素的集合,元素按排序顺序存储。 9. SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>:表示根据键排序的键值对的集合,它允许你通过键来访问值。
System.Collections 和 System.Collections.Generic 是 C# 中两个不同的命名空间,它们都包含了一组用于存储和操作数据的容器。这两个命名空间的主要区别在于容器的类型安全性和性能。
System.Collections:这个命名空间包含了非泛型容器,例如 ArrayList、Hashtable 和 Stack 等。非泛型容器可以存储任意类型的对象,但在使用时可能需要进行类型转换和装箱/拆箱操作。这可能导致运行时错误(例如类型转换错误)和性能损失。此外,由于缺乏类型约束,代码可读性和维护性也可能受到影响。
System.Collections.Generic:这个命名空间包含了泛型容器,例如 List<T>、Dictionary<TKey, TValue> 和 HashSet<T>
总之,System.Collections 和 System.Collections.Generic 的主要区别在于类型安全性和性能。在实际编程中,推荐使用 System.Collections.Generic 中的泛型容器,因为它们提供了更好的类型安全性和性能。